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The Biggest Lie

The biggest lie is the one you told yourself when you said you’re not creative.

Today’s article is different. It is a bit philosophical and hopefully inspiring to you to be more creative. I would love to hear your thoughts. Add them to the comment section. Thank you.

Let’s start by deciding what is a creative. Is it original? Why not borrow it from someone else? Musicians do. Have you ever listened to a concert violinist play? Perhaps it’s a concerto written years ago by Mozart. Yet, the violinist’s passion and feeling, gives us an incredibly beautiful interpretation of the music. Yes, they are artists not of the original score but with their creative interpretation of it.

Why do artists and photographers get hung up on being original or doubt their talents? I see many, many photographs of sunsets. Are they art? The best answer is sometimes. Are they original? Yes. I’ve yet to see the same sunset. So, when or what makes it art?

Let’s think about what makes a person an artist or better yet makes a person creative. In a very broad sense, I believe everyone is creative. I find beauty in the craftsmanship of a wood worker, a glass maker, as well as a fine art painting. Sometimes, I find very disturbing troubling works as well. The common denominator is the experience. Did the artist express something to you? Maybe it simply made you feel good or perhaps it invited you to look deeper into the work. I believe this is what makes it art.

Have you ever made something? There is something about making something. Do you remember that feeling of accomplishment? Did you want to share it with the world? Creative people are everywhere. Songwriters, painters, and even a software programmer making beautiful code for you to experience in a perfect app on your phone are just a few creative people.

Perhaps, you like me sometimes find yourself fighting with your muse. Doubts fill your mind and frustration replaces inspiration. How does one become inspired to make something? Does not the painter simply pick up a brush? If only it was that easy for me to pick up my camera and make a great photograph.

SORRY no magic here. You must do the work. You must learn your craft. So, for you I’ll share how I get my muse to help me. First, start. Second, start.

Okay, here’s five tips to get inspired:

  1. Go watch another artist. Recently, I watched a glass blower at the Corning Glass Museum – an incredible talent. Plus, the museum is filled with fantastic art.
  2. Get together with another photographer and go on a photo shoot.
  3. Give yourself a constraint. This is my favorite. Decide to only work only in black and white for example. The constraint will make you start to think differently. You will view the subject differently your work will take on a different experience.
  4. Read about what your favorite artist is doing.
  5. Reconnect yourself with that part of life that brings peace to yourself. For me, it is being outdoors, hiking a trail alone with just myself and nature.

So, with all this said stop doubting your creativity. Make your art believe in what you do and maybe you might inspire someone else along the way.

P.S. Want more like this? I send these articles out to friends, photographers, and art lovers who want to improve their skills, and explore their creativity or simply enjoy my thoughts and stories and I would love to include you.

Tell me where to send it and I’ll send you a copy of Seven Moments an eBook, as well as articles, sneak peeks of my new work, and very occasional info about resources to help you with this creative craft we love.